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Juicy Plus A Sweet Side: Caprese Burger with Sweet Potato Fries

Alyssa Alia

Nothing like a good juicy burger on the grill with a sweet side. Perfect for summer grilling!

En-Joy and cook for just the love of it!

~Alyssa XO

Caprese Burger with Sweet Potato Fries

Make sure to use good quality ground beef. I use 85 percent fat free because you need some fat for juicy burger. One and 1/4 pounds will make 4 good size burgers. I mix just a little sofrito or a good steak or hamburger seasoning with a splash of Worcestershire sauce in the ground beef. Do not over mix (otherwise meat gets tough). Make patties and place on hot grill or grill pan. Sprinkle with extra seasoning for extra outside crispness. I personally think a grill pan (because you do not loose the juices) makes the best, juiciest burger. Cook to desired tenderness, about 4 to 5 minutes per side. Place 2 thin slices of Parmesan cheese on burger last 2 minutes of cook time. Cover pan to melt cheese more quickly. Serve on favorite toasted bun (I love brioche buns, Italian Rolls, or Ciabatta Rolls). Top with Caprese Salad. Heat ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil and 4 cloves garlic (chopped) in heatproof glass measuring cup, 45 seconds, to infuse oil. Mix together with 2 cups coarsely chopped Compari or cherry tomatoes and ½ cup sliced basil leaves. Add 1 cup coarsely chopped fresh mozzarella, then add salt and pepper. Drizzle with 1 to 2 tablespoons balsamic glaze before serving.

For Grilled Sweet Potato Wedges, slice 2 large sweet potatoes lengthwise into ½-inch wedges. Place on large sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil and toss with 2 tablespoons coconut oil, 3 sprigs rosemary (leaves removed) and salt and pepper. Fold over foil to seal and shake to coat. Add on grill and cook 15 to 20 minutes, shaking occasionally until potatoes are tender. Perfect with any favorite burger.

Makes 4 servings

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