Sometimes the simplest set up says a thousand words! First sign of Spring in my garden. Can't wait! Anyone ready to start planting? So excited to start picking from the garden again, especially my garnishes to make my food styling photos and entertaining dishes sing!
My husband has the green thumb in our household and he's already started breaking ground in our garden. He loves his tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and especially his fig tree. He plants every kind of herb he can think of so I have a myriad of choices for my photo garnishes as well as for my cooking. We also plant in pots so we can bring them in at the end of the summer so we can en-JOY the freshest produce and herbs as long as we can into the fall. I will take pix soon to share with you.
En- JOY and cook just for the love of it! Love-
- Alyssa XO